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00:00 / 05:56

Greetings, Elk Family,

It is with a great deal of sorrow that we report the

passing of  

Brother David J. Groves

Bro. Groves was a very proud member of 

Bethal Lodge #1284,  serving various seats including 

Exalted Ruler for many years. 

Bro Groves held the position as Chief Antler for PERC 7. 

He also served a DDGER, Bro. Groves held the position as State Treasurer 

He held the position as the State Financial Secretary for a number of years.

He was the Master of Social Sessions for the Grand Lodge, Assistance to the Grand Exalted Ruler Donald P. Wilson. 

He presently until his untimely death, the Grand Lodge Trustee

Chairman. Brother Groves held Elkdom very close to his heart.  

He was President, Vice President and Treasurer of the P.A.R. Club 

He is a 2nd generation Elk, with his Mother and Father being 1st.

He was a ELK but most of all 1st a man of God, Husband and Father.

He will surly be missed. 

 Celebration of Life Service:

Friday, April 29, 2022

St. James A.M.E. Zion Church

410 W. Union Street

Allentown, PA 18102

Viewing 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM

Elks Service

Line up  For Elks Service Promptly at 10:00 AM

Elks Service Promptly 10:30 AM

All Brothers & Daughters are requested Funeral Attire  

Service 11:00 AM

Repast: Private

Cards and Condolences can be sent to:

Dgt. Irene R. Groves & Family

539 E. Susquehanna Street

Allentown, PA 18103

Please keep the Groves Family, in your prayers.

Fraternally submitted,

The Officers & Members of the

Pennsylvania State Association

Daughters of the PA State Association

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